Monday, August 9, 2010

Living, Breathing, Transforming

One of the most beautiful things about wine is that has a mysterious persona. You can never completely rely on your preconceptions of how a wine will taste or smell, why? Because every single day, wine is evolving...

Over time, tannins soften (or give up!), bright fruit turns ready and ripe, and the mouthfeel goes from fleshy to satiny silk is alive! Well, maybe not considered a 'living organism', but wine certainly changes with time, and we always hope for the better in those wines made for this patient intention.

The most recent notable wine I have enjoyed is the 2007 Jules Melange. This wine is a unique menage-et-trois marriage of Cab Franc, Merlot, and Syrah; a beautiful combination of structure, finesse, and power.

My wine-drinking crew and I loved chewing on this spicy yet chocolatey wine, that showed us a ripe raspberry core, sprinkled with flinty vanilla powder. The finish suggested, "Hey, I'm in my mid-twenties, looking pretty damn good, feeling alive and powerful, but give me a few years to settle in to myself, and I'll show you what I got..."

And so, I suggest grabbing a few of these bottles, lay them down to rest and mature, and a beautiful butterfly made of fleshy leather and lace could emerge...

As we age gracefully, so does fine wine. Let yourself, and your bottles, live, breathe and transform as they were meant to.