Sunday, May 9, 2010

Foreword on Girl and the Grape

I sit here on this plum colored love seat, sipping this sultry, mouth sculpting, mind boggling red wine and completely unfold from my day.

Today is the day that this written body of love, lust and infatuation takes shape.

To me, wine is the quintessential essence of beauty and inspiration of life. Not only does wine embody history, family tradition, world culture and everything holy, but it also CREATES so much joy and excitement in every day moments. I don't merely mean the effects that it has on the physical body, but rather what it does to the soul after every slurp. It opens windows and doors of creativity that would otherwise be padlocked. You will soon see what I am talking about---just continue to read.

I do not expect everyone that reads this to be completely on board with me about the obsession that I have taken on with wine, but I do hope that each soul will be open to the possibility that is wine.

Wine is for EVERYONE. There are literally hundreds of grape varietals, grown and cultivated in different styles from sweet, dry, restrained, boring, and thin to rich, ripe, overdone, mouth coating, earthy and smokey. How is this possible that wine does not appeal to YOU!????? Keep looking and tasting and I promise you will find a style that perfectly melds with your lifestyle and tastebuds.

In the following posts, I vow to explain, in as much interesting detail, why I am completely satisfied with drinking wine and why it has become a monumental fascination in my life (and hopefully persuade you to also sip and swirl more often, while completely letting go of life's stresses).

Let me preface this blog by also saying that I am fully aware that wine is not the only, nor predominant, joy in life. It is merely an intense hobby of mine that I look forward to indulging in with you. I do however promise that the day that you find your knees getting weak, tongue exploding with ecstasy, and belly aching for more wine---life will be sweeter.

Embark on this journey of discussion, praise, and constructive criticism of grapes that have turned to holy nectar with me.


  1. shmara tin! what loveliness i expect to experience through the girl and the grape! yay.congrats on getting it started!
    love you.

  2. Looking forward to following your blog
    Tenthorey...teach me about wine! -R

  3. this is really interesting, I myself dont
    drink wine often, or any alcohol for that matter, but I do have a lot of people in my family that have a huge love for wine as it sounds like you do.... I look forward to following with you and hopefully learning more about wine along the way, who knows maybe you'll even entice me to join the wine lovers fanfaire...congrats!!!!!
