Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bring "The Table" to your dinner table.

Last night at Ella, my friends and I had a major dilemma: to pay or not to pay a corkage fee?

Totally standard and expected, a corkage fee is more like an 'apology' fee for bringing in your own wine to a respectable establishment. There are ways to get out of this apology. The tactic: buy one of their bottles and they will forgive you! So naturally, the next question: "what is the least expensive, good wine on their list?"

At Ella, they make it easy for you; a page in the back of the wine list with bottles under $50. PERFECT! Our intuitive server pointed out this sneaky page and recommended we go with "The Table" Cabernet, produced by Once Wines, and then proceeded to give us a little background on this winemaking endeavor.

Some sommeliers got together, had a blending contest, and created a magnificent red wine from Napa Valley fruit, but aimed at a style that melds with the flavors and delicate nuances of food.
This wine is only available in restaurants, and the exclusivity is impressive (Daniel, Thomas Keller), with Ella making the cut.

This Cabernet based wine was exactly what we were looking for. Earth-driven, a little dusty, firm tannins and amazing structure. The fruit factor was a little lacking, but with our NY steak, it couldn't have paired better.

If you find yourself perplexed with bottle choices, your spoiled palate craving something regal, and your wallet a little light, definitely try "The Table" Cabernet. These sommeliers know whats up.

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